Alysse & Nicole | The Red Shed Wedding Venue | Auckland Wedding Photographer
Iz All About the Love
The Awesome Wedding Vendors that made it happen!
We knew it was gonna be the perfect day from the moment we met these two (3 actually… well… 2.5, Jacob was pretty tiny) for the first time for caffeine :D we simply asked “so…. what did you have in mind for the big day?". Our newly engaged bubbly couple looked at each other and just said “Not sure… we just want to have fun!” 🤣
And that was exactly what the day was! Fun, laughter, a ton of tears (plenty of emotional ones on both sides of the family 😂), epic dances and dang gorgeous brides <3
It was also a massive surprise when we saw Jaecob again cause in just a bit over a year, he grew so much! definitely no longer a 0.5 lol
Not only is both our brides absolutely gorgeous, their rides were also next level!

Ready, set, lets get these married!
Nicole made her way down the aisle first. Initially accompanied by her uncle, on behalf of her late father, who with a steady handshake, handed her to Pete to walk her down the rest of the aisle.
Alysse wasn’t next though, instead we got the show of our life 🤣 our flower boy of the year Jaecob, skipped and danced his way down the aisle while throwing petals into the air and anyone lucky enough to have an aisle seat :P
Now finally it was Alysse’s turn and as she walked down the aisle towards Nicole, the trike that was designed by Richard and build by her Grandfather rumbled softly in the background.

When we first asked which side of the family was gonna be the crazier one, there wasn’t a real clear consciences lol my money’s on Nic’s just going off the photo but will let you be the judge of that :P

Favorite part of our job is having a beautiful bride to shoot, having 2? Well we had to bring out all the magic! Although to be fair, we didn’t really need to lol Nicole and Alysse brought some magic of their own! Just look at em!
Nic was particularly good when told to give the “resting b**ch face”, snapping right into that sexy model look. A bit harder with the ever so bubbly Alysse who couldn’t seem to stop laughing and smiling the whole way through. Can’t blame her though, holding such a gorgeous bride in her arm, actually, they both were :P

And finally it was time to put on them sneakers, don the korowai and get the party started!
After stuff our bellies full (and they really were cause the kitchen at The Red Shed served up a storm of a meal!) we went on to a few rounds of emotional speeches <3 happy to report that neither bride were roasted too badly 🤣
Before we knew it, it was time for the first dance and we couldn’t help but notice one special person aside from Nicole and Alysse. Jaecob looked on with a faint smile as his newly married mums danced the night away.
…oh right he joined in right after throwing out a few moves of his own along with the rest of the crowd 🤟🤣