Dear White Productions | One Of New Zealand’s Best Wedding Photographer & Videographer
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Cake & Co. | Just the Tastiest Wedding Cake In New Zealand
If you need a wedding cake, you can get the perfect one at Cake & Co. They take your cake design ideas and turn them into a visual and gustatory feast. Not only are they delicious, but Cake & Co. is committed to ensuring that your cakes are fully catered to your needs.
City Cake Company | Auckland Wedding Cake
City Cake Company is an Auckland staple and favorite. In fact, it's still operated by its original owners — Maureen Keene, and Tracy Baird.
These two wonderful ladies have been dishing out wonderful and delicious cakes for over 20 years from their original store right in the heart of Auckland. They offer wedding cakes of all shapes, sizes, and designs. They even have cupcakes that'll be perfect for your guests.